Selena Gomez took to Twitter Tuesday to show off her glittery gold nail polish and matching Iphone case. The star posted a selfie with the caption "oh boy, I'm that girl... Lol."
The multi-talented star was seen rocking the same nails at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. Gomez has a deal with popular nail company OPI in which she has her very own nail polish line.
The Nicole by OPI Selena Gomez collection consists of 14 shades inspired by the star, "These 14 shades inspired by actress & singer Selena Gomez capture her sweet yet spunky personality, from soft pink and peach hues to bright glitter and confetti lacquers. This diverse palette offers the perfect color for any occasion!"
To get a look similar to Selena's red carpet nails try the star's line of nail polish particularly the color Kissed at Midnight. If you are not a fan of OPI check out nail polish line nails inc. and look for the color London Chelsea Embankment, which can be found at Sephora.
To pick up colors from Selena's OPI line head to your local Kmart, Wal-Mart, CVS, or check out the website to find which stores near you are selling the star's nail polish line.
Check out the video below to see the actress discuss her favorite spring trends and talk about her collection with OPI.
Will you be picking up one of the starlet's unique polishes? Let us now which color you have your eye in the comments below.