Difference of Deodorant and Antiperspirant: Correct Way to Use, Best Time to Apply, MoreCredit : Nicola Giordano/Pixabay

Is it better to use deodorant or antiperspirant? While both are used to eliminate body odor, their functions and benefits are rather different. 

Deodorant, which contains fragrance is used to neutralize odors and bacteria, by creating a more acidic pH on the skin, said Dr. Susan Massick, a dermatologist. It doesn't stop nor prevent sweating. 

Whereas antiperspirant is the one who blocks sweating using the controversial ingredient – aluminum; thus, it is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

READ ALSO: Dove Launches Whole Body Deodorants to Keep Odors at Bay for 72 Hours

In the article written by Today, the media also squashed myths and misconceptions regarding the use of deodorant, antiperspirant, and body odor. 

First, it clarified that the sweat has NO odor, rather, the bacteria located in the sweating area cause the smell, explained Dr. Friedman.

Regarding the rumors that antiperspirants with aluminum cause cancer and Alzheimer's disease, a review of studies from the National Library of Medicine also found no scientific reason linking a negative impact of the two. 

However, Massick noted that while it is safe, it is important to do a product test on a small part of the skin to ensure that no allergic reactions will take place. 

Moving on to the question, "deodorant versus Antiperspirant: which is better?" dermatologists clarified that it will depend on the person's preference. 

To block sweat, use antiperspirant at night before going to bed to maximize its effectiveness. On the flip side, using deodorant is suitable for sensitive skin and people looking for a more gentle way to prevent body odor, as the former constant use may cause skin rash and irritation. 

If opting for a deodorant, dermatologists advise avoiding the whole-body one and aerosol sprays, stating that this commonly leads to irritation and other skin problems. 

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Antiperspirants for Men to Combat Excessive Sweat