Dermatologists Suggest These Foods To Fight AgingCredit : Chantal Garnier/Unsplash

It's inevitable that our skin will change as we age. As dermatologist Dr. Jacquelyn Sink tells Eat This, Not That, skin aging results from both internal biological factors like collagen production and external influences like pollution, ultraviolet radiation, smoking, and poor diet. Maintaining a healthy skin care routine, especially applying daily sunscreen, is just as important as eating the right food. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods is only one way to fight and prevent premature signs of aging.


Avocados are rich in good fats that help nourish the skin and prevent dryness. Aside from including them in your diet, they're also popular in DIY moisturizing face masks. Mix avocado, yogurt, and honey at home if your skin is looking and feeling dehydrated, especially during the winter.

Bell Peppers

Whether you cook with green, yellow, or red bell peppers, you would get more wrinkle-fighting vitamin C from them than orange.


Real Simple writes that blueberries are packed with vitamin C and fiber and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Research findings have shown that blueberries promote and preserve brain and heart health, lower the risk of certain cancers, and protect cells.

Bone Broth

Combine chicken bones and veggies with water and make bone broth at home. The longer it simmers, the more gelatin and collagen are released from the bones. The collagen, amino acids, and minerals from the broth will give you healthier and youthful skin.

Also read: Dermatologists Teach You How To Get Clearer Skin Without Spending A Fortune


Carrots are loaded with vitamin A which aids in collagen building. Prevention adds that it also stimulates hair growth and keeps dandruff away. In addition, carrots also have cancer-fighting benefits, so do as Bugs Bunny does and snack on them instead of chips.

Leafy greens

Vitamin C in leafy vegetables helps in collagen production. As an antioxidant, vitamin C also protects us from the sun's harmful rays and fights off free radicals. Aside from spinach, other leafy greens include collard, mustard, dandelion, beet and turnip greens, kale, arugula, bok choy, cabbage, endive, lettuce, and swiss chard.


Plant-based dietician Julieanna Hever tells Redbook that nuts, particularly Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, and macadamias, have anti-inflammatory properties and help lower cholesterol. They are also excellent sources of fiber, protein, and micronutrients. One to two ounces a day is all you need.

Pomegranate seeds

Prevention points out why pomegranate is a popular ingredient in many skincare products: it contains anthocyanins, which is a potent antioxidant, and ellagic acid, ingredients that both increase collagen production.


Salmon is rich in Omega-3s and astaxanthin, which helps keep skin elastic and hydrated. Another type of fish that is heavy on Omega-3s is sardines.


Spinach is a staple in soups, salads, and dips for a reason. Phytonutrients in spinach protect the skin from sun damage, while beta-carotene and lutein help improve skin elasticity.


Watermelons, like tomatoes, are rich in lycopene, which is a natural sunblock. The high water content also keeps skin plump and well hydrated.

Related article: Boost Collagen Production With Peptides