What can you do when your hair is thinning or falling out? Stress, genetics, and hair products laden with chemicals may be the reasons why you're losing your once-lustrous locks.
When you don't want to grab another bottle of hair growth product full of toxins, you may want to turn to nature for an answer.
Before chemists have discovered and concocted the hair products we now have, our ancestors have long been using herbs on their hair. Now, these may not smell like strawberry, vanilla, or whatever scent your favorite bottle of shampoo has, but one can't deny its worthwhile effects on our hair.
Here are some of them
1. Aloe Vera
This prickly plant filled with a gel-like substance inside is well-known for its healing properties on cuts, itching, and swelling on the skin. However, it has also been found beneficial for hair health -- from dandruff and scalp issues to hair growth.
Aloe vera can be used both for growing thinning out hair and for growing hair longer. This works by restoring the pH balance and hydrating the scalp. The gel inside should be applied directly to the scalp to help treat alopecia or hair loss and promote healthy hair growth the natural way.
2. Gingko Biloba
This ancient Chinese herb is most popular in teas and supplements for its wealth of health benefits. It is known as an anti-oxidant that also helps combat muscle soreness, as well as cognitive functions. It does these by stimulating blood flow and circulation throughout the body.
Research also found this herb is beneficial as a hair re-growth tonic. As these are leafy herbs, it must be extracted rather than applied topically.
3. Ginseng
This is another Chinese herb well-known for its root, which is known as an anti-oxidant and immune system booster. Its appearance resembles ginger root and again, must be extracted rather than topical use.
Ginseng also works for hair retention and hair growth. Similar to Gingko Biloba, you may look for shampoos with these herbs as ingredients. These are often extracted in large quantities and mixed into a formulation that benefits our hair follicles.
4. Peppermint
Do you love the cooling feeling of mint on your scalp? It turns out that this herb doesn't just cool a hot-head, but it also has a healing effect on the scalp. As it soothes and heals the scalp, this can promote hair growth.
Peppermint oil may be applied directly to the scalp unless you have sensitivity issues.
5. Rosemary
You may have heard of this herb from your mom's recipes, especially with chicken, lamb, fish and pork. However, this aromatic herb has also been proven beneficial when extracted into its oil form and combined with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil.
This concoction may be applied directly on the scalp to aid in hair growth. It also hydrates the hair to treat dry and flaky scalp. Moroever, it is said to prevent premature graying, too.
6. Lavender
Lavender oil is highly potent, making it rank among the popular natural remedies for hair growth.
It is said to help reduce baldness. However, be careful when mixing this herb with a carrier oil, as it tends to irritate those who have sensitive skin.
7. Rose Petals
A rose bath is a nice way to relax after a long day, but it can also help revitalize hair.
Rose petals have a conditioning effect on the hair and also have antiseptic properties to help treat scalp irritations. Rose petals can also aid in the treatment of damaged hair and is believed to promote hair growth.