A Pill To Prevent Pimples: AcnEase Tablets Help Stop Acne Breakouts

Over 60 million people in the U.S. have acne, and surprisingly, the average age of people with it is 26.5. That's 5 more than just a decade ago!

To help beat the battle against breakouts, now people fighting acne have a new weapon in their arsenal: Meet AcnEase.  

These tablets are said to have achieved up to a 96% response rate in the treatment of acne and improving symptoms of Rosacea. 

The formula, which is safe and causes no side effects, was developed specifically to treat the underlying causes of acne and works for adolescent and adult acne sufferers (women and man alike) with a variety of acne types.

The pills treat current outbreaks and prevent new acne from forming with a holistic, effective approach to skin health. These tablets work for all complexion types, colors, and do not discolor or irritate the skin. There are also no restrictions on sunlight exposure like there are for many traditional acne treatments. 

"AcnEase is effective because it treats the causes of acne, not just the symptoms," said Dr. Agnes P. Olszewski, CEO and Chairwoman for Herborium Group to BeautyPress. "A primary cause of acne is an overproduction of sebum or skin oil by sebaceous glands, which blocks the pores and provide a fertile ground for bacteria to develop, leading to localized inflammation and consequently scarring - it's a vicious cycle."

"AcnEase breaks the cycle, using a proprietary herbal compound to restore balance and skin health. It works for people who suffer from acne of any type at any age, regardless of skin color and complexion," the physician explained.

AcnEase has been clinically tested and proven effective. But for Dr. Olszewski, the most touching proof points are the emails and letters the company receives from users who tell the Herborium team that AcnEase has changed their lives.

Treatments range in price from $79 to $230. Check out the brand at www.acnease.com.