CeraVe Survey Highlights Adult Skin Health Concerns, Launches Global Initiative

(Photo : Pixabay/Joseph Mucira )

CeraVe has unveiled new survey data highlighting significant adult concerns about skin health and launched a global initiative to address these issues. 

The skincare brand conducted a survey among 1,000 American adults and found that 80% experience skin concerns, with one in four reporting more serious conditions. Despite these concerns, only 40% visit a dermatologist annually.

Timed with World Skin Health Day on Monday, CeraVe is collaborating with the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD) to promote awareness, education, and access to skin health in underserved communities. 

CeraVe has become the first official corporate partner of World Skin Health Day, leveraging its network of dermatologists to support this global movement.

CeraVe's initiative includes sponsoring events across North America, Argentina, Malta, Tanzania, Nepal, and Australia. These events aim to drive education on equitable skin care access and connect dermatologists with patients in need. 

Activities in these countries involve training frontline hospital workers, advocacy outreach to local governments, and providing specialized care for patients with various skin conditions.

In the U.S., CeraVe is urging dermatologists to become "Derm Changemakers" by offering free skin checks in their local communities. 

Through its partnership with the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC), CeraVe and NAFC are inviting dermatologists to participate in select clinics nationwide on Monday, making skincare more accessible.

The survey also uncovered barriers to dermatological care, with respondents citing long wait times (27%), lack of insurance (20%), and limited availability of dermatologists (18%) as primary challenges. 

Additionally, one-third of Americans indicated they cannot afford dermatological care, and more than half (54%) visit general healthcare providers for skin health issues, suggesting a lack of specialized care.

"CeraVe is committed to increasing access to therapeutic skincare for all people, particularly those in underserved communities where there is a real gap in access to skin health resources," Tom Allison, senior vice president of medical dermatology marketing at L'Oreal, stated. "We work alongside our partners who are leading change, like the NAFC, ILDS and ISD, by offering training, mentorship, grants and in-kind products to help close this skin health gap and ensure everyone can access the care that they need."

Patients interested in visiting an NAFC clinic on World Skin Health Day can find the nearest location offering skin checks at CeraVeForWorldSkinHealth.com/MySkinHealth

In the New York metro area, CeraVe employees will volunteer alongside dermatologists at the Brooklyn Free Clinic at the University Hospital of Brooklyn. The clinic will offer free skin check appointments, skin health education, and activities for visitors.