Oily Skin Problems
Having oily skin means a constant struggle to maintain a matte complexion throughout the day. While mattifying primers and oil-free foundations can help, sometimes you need an extra boost. Oil-absorbing products are specially formulated to combat excess oil, providing a matte finish whether you are wearing makeup or not.
Which is better?
Two popular options for combating oily skin are oil-absorbing rollers and blotting papers. These products cater to different needs and preferences, offering unique benefits for those dealing with excess oil.
Oil-Absorbing Roller
The oil-absorbing roller is a game-changer for many. Made from volcanic stone, this roller provides a sustainable and effective solution for absorbing excess oil without disturbing makeup. Its dual functionality as a facial massage tool is a bonus, promoting blood circulation for a refreshed appearance. What sets the roller apart from traditional blotting papers is its reusability, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
To use an oil-absorbing roller, remove the cap, and gently roll the volcanic stone over your T-zone or any oily areas.
If it is time to clean the stone, simply remove the stone, wash it with a gentle cleanser, and rinse. Experts suggest replacing the stone every six months for optimal oil absorption.
The downside is if you are living in a polluted environment, chances are your roller will get dirty faster than anticipated. You either risk dirt buildup in your roller, which is not good for your skin, or you will have to clean the roller more often.
Oil Blotting Paper
On the other hand, blotting papers are convenient, absorbent sheets designed to remove oil and sweat without affecting makeup. They are perfect for quick touch-ups throughout the day, making them a staple for individuals with oily skin.
To use this product, simply dab the paper on your face gently, letting it absorb the oil. There is no need to rub it on your face, gentle pats and dabs are enough.
When the sheet is used up, you can dispose of it in the proper bin.
The downside, however, is the disposable nature of this product, which rubs against the concept of sustainability. But as beauty experts are always finding ways to develop better products, being optimistic about the sustainability future of oil blotting paper is one thing we could do.
The Conclusion
Both products have their advantages, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preferences and skincare needs. Whether you opt for the convenience of blotting papers or the sustainability of an oil-absorbing roller, these products can help you manage oily skin and maintain a fresh, matte complexion throughout the day.