Combatting the Cold: A Guide to Best Skin Care Routine in Winter

(Photo : Becca Tapert/Unsplash)

Winter is just around the corner, and while it sounds exciting to some, the new season can also bring a new set of troubles for the skin.

Lower humidity brought by the drop in temperature could wreak havoc on the skin, especially on people with psoriasis or eczema, Yale Medicine and associate professor of dermatology, Dr. Chris Bunick, told News 8.

During the cold season, dry air can damage the skin's barrier, leading to dry skin, irritation, itching, cracking, and even a white scaly appearance. To combat these, the best thing you can do is to moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize.

Essential Skin Care Products

Here's a set of essential skin care products you should consider adding to your winter daily skincare routine and what ingredients you need to be looking for. 

Facial Cleanser

Facial cleansing is essential to a cold season healthy skin care regimen. The skin is constantly exposed to pollutants, and it is important to cleanse it with soap, water, and a gentle facial cleanser at the end of the day. When looking for a facial cleanser during the cold weather, make sure it is gentle, hydrating, and moisturizing. 


Use a hydrating serum, like hyaluronic acid, on your face after cleansing. It will give your skin a vital hydration boost.


Never omit using a moisturizer as it forms the skin's barrier that helps seal in moisture and keep the skin from drying out. Once or twice a day, apply moisturizer to immediately retain moisture while your skin is still damp from a shower. During the dry season, look for a moisturizer that contains ceramides, as these can help hydrate your skin.


It would help if you still had sunscreen during the wintertime, even though the sun's rays may not feel as harsh on your skin. You can apply sunscreen to your face after applying your moisturizer. 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, broad-spectrum protection, water resistance, and an SPF of at least 30 are important sunscreen features for cold weather. 

What to Avoid?

Hot showers: As tempting as it may sound, taking a hot shower in the winter is not exactly good for your skin. Avoid taking longer than 15 minutes in a hot shower, as hot water can exacerbate skin irritation and drying out. Instead, take lukewarm showers.

Harsh alcohol-based toners and scrubs: Toners with an alcohol base can deplete your skin of its natural oil, making it even more dry. Harsh scrubs can also aggravate dry skin and trigger flare-ups of eczema.