What Is Intermittent Fasting, And Is It Safe?

What do Hugh Jackman, Jimmy Kimmel, and Miranda Kerr have in common? They all have rocking bodies, and that may be thanks to the popular intermittent fasting.

First thing's first. What is this intermittent fasting that seemed to be gaining popularity more than other diets and is worthy of celebrities giving it a chance? From the name itself, it involves fasting. It actually isn't a diet and more of a lifestyle choice. It is when one has a cycle or pattern for fasting and for eating as well.

The fasting period is referred to as the fasting window and the time that one can eat is called the feasting window. Now, why is it gaining more followers than any diets out there? Basically because there are numerous testimonies out there that claimed they have seen results. Some celebrities, for one, have been fans of the intermittent fasting.

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

There are loads of benefits intermittent fasting brings. Weight loss is one. Remember Kimmel's shocking transformation? Yup, that's because he tried this one. But apart from shedding off pounds, there are many reported pros. It promotes improved digestion because one drinks a lot of water, which is the most common problem in indigestion.

Believe it or not, intermittent fasting gives a boost in energy. Hmm, ironic isn't it, because at first thought, fasting could make anyone feel weak. But it turns out, fasting can do the trick because digestion takes so much energy. There are many more benefits intermittent fasting has.


There are many methods under intermittent fasting, but two that are popular are called the 16:8 and the 5:2. The first one involves 16 hours of not eating anything that has calories, so basically no eating at all. But water is excluded, since it doesn't pack any calories. This is followed by 8 hours when one can eat.

The 5:2 method, meanwhile, talks about days rather than hours. Two days in a week should be dedicated for 500-calorie intake, meaning to say the food one eats should only total 500 calories for those days. The remaining five days goes like the normal, usual intake. The days dedicated for restricted calorie count should be interspersed among the remaining days of the week.

Is It Safe?

Now that intermittent fasting is explained, the better question is, is it safe? Well, it's not for everyone. Those with a history of eating disorder, or pregnant and breastfeeding women, are not advised to adhere to this process. Moreover, those with a thyroid problem should take precaution.

"People who have diabetes or other endocrinological issues should generally avoid this protocol. Same with patients who have congestive heart failure or cardiac disease," Doctor Rusha Modi said.

The bottom line is, consult first with a doctor to know if this will suit one's health. It pays to get an expert's advice on this one. Those who are opting to shed pounds or those who are reaching a weightloss plateau, a phase when it seems that the body is no longer showing results from workouts or diets, this might be worth trying, of course with a doctor's advice.