An Average Woman Uses 16 Products Everyday, Survey Shows

Being a woman can be a high-maintenance job. It is a figure of speech no one knew would be taken literally considering the amount of time, effort and money, a regular woman would put into getting ready every day.

A normal skin care regimen would already include several beauty products and processes starting with the basic routine of cleanse, tone and moisturize to putting serum, eye cream, lotion, and oils. The evening ritual is even different from the morning's preparation and may mean more products and procedures. And that is for skin care alone.

Makeup is a totally different story. A powder, lipstick and a blush combo don't work anymore. Achieving even that natural dewy or matte finish requires a ton of different make ups starting on the primer, foundation, highlighter, concealer, bronzer and powder on the face to all other applications for the eyes, lashes, cheeks, eyebrows that should be on flick down to the lips. And then there's also the hair. Accounting all of these, one might be surprised to know how much these costs on the average. 

A surprising fact from an article on Today shows that from a survey conducted by SkinStone, a woman in the US would spend $8 worth of makeup every day, totaling to $250 a month and a staggering $200,000 in a lifetime that is actually enough to buy a house.

The same survey reveals that on the average, a woman uses 16 beauty products every single day. This only proves that the cost of looking good and having a perfect skin is already an investment in itself. But considering the daily beauty routine, it is not impossible for women to swear by using all these sixteen products. It is, therefore, important to know and pick wisely that which is worth every penny.