How To Makeover Your Look For Holiday 2014: Razzle Dazzle Throughout the Season & New Year's Eve 2015

Now is the time we all shift our gears to holiday planning, preparing, and partying.

As we make travel plans, cooking plans, and search for gift ideas, on the top of a lot of minds is the annual end-of-year question of: What am I going to wear?

Years turn, and the one thing most people try to do is not look the same as the last. BeautyPress recently asked the question we all do every year:

How can we reinvent ourselves this season? Show our friends, family, and others how much we've evolved our personal style as well as personality? Check out their recommendations on how to switch it up:

One sure way is to try out what's new! There's always a new trend in beauty and fashion that's either oh-so right or oh-so wrong. Push out of your comfort level and take your holiday look up a notch this season!

Here's an idea: if you're the type to never wear a smoky eye, then search on YouTube for videos to guide your new smoky eye look that will dazzle everyone at the party.

Maybe you're the queen of a smoked out eye, then give your eyes (and everyone else's) a break and go for a classic beauty look this holiday. Gold or champagne shadow with a burgundy or red lip screams holiday classic.

Forget to play it safe and try a new nail art design, mix matte and glossy polishes to dazzle your digits.

And accessorize! Many women never wear a sparkly hair clip or floral headband. The perfect accessory can transform your holiday outfit to show your new-found fashionista side.

This holiday as we appreciate the past year, family and friends who surround us, let us also appreciate all we can create ourselves to be!

What new look are you planning to try? Tell us with a note below!