Student Invents Skateboard That Charges Devices And Plays Music

Bjorn van den Hout, a student from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, Netherlands, created a skateboard that can charge mobile phones and play music, CNET reported.

His invention, dubbed as the Chargeboard, works by utilizing the kinetic energy produced by the wheels while the board is in motion. He developed the idea as a graduation project for his school.

According to van den Hout, the rear axle of the board contains dynamos. As the rear wheels turn, these generate power which is stored inside a powerbox.

The stored power can charge an iPhone by plugging it into a dock located on the underside of the board's deck, according to Design Boom.

Aside from its charging features, the dock of the board also functions as speakers. Although the dock is only compatible to iPhone 4 and 4s models, the Chargeboard is also equipped with a 3.5mm audio jack and a USB 2.0 port. This means the board can also accommodate other music-playing gadgets.

"The two dynamos in the rear axles generate 6V each, this electricity is then converted back to aa 5V current and gets stored in to a powerbox," van den Hout explained on the Chargeboard's website.

"So when you'll plug you're iPhone in the dock, your phone gets charged and in the meanwhile you can listen to some of your favorite tracks," he added.

Van den Hout said one hour of cruising around is enough to fully charge an iPhone. In addition, the stored power in the Chargeboard's built-in battery can charge the device eight times.

 Although the Chargeboard was van den Hout's graduation project, he is open to the prospect of partnering with tech companies who are interested in developing and marketing it.

"Chargeboard is now still a prototype in development," he explained. "If there is a brand, product developer or anyone else interested in Chargeboard it can hopefully be further developed."